White Thursday : Strawberries for Pearly White Teeth

By Shegotherown @AddyGotHerOwn

Hello my Damsels!!!
How are you all doing?
Hope you week has been good so far!
Mine has been great and am so loving the weather getting a bit 
better with time I hope it will fix and give us back our traditional Greek Bright and Shining sun.
So the week on my way to work, since I now have to be on the road by 7 AM every morning, I keep running into the track that delivers the goods of the Grocery store on my street, and guess what caught my eyes?
I love them so much, but I always wait till its their season before consuming them though.
So cutting the long story short, I remember I wanted to share this little known to many beauty “Secret”with you.
How to achieve Pearly white teeth, without having, to spend a fortune at the scary dentist office.
Pearly white teeth are the next best accessory to sporting diamonds, so grab a handful of strawberries for a quick and easy fix to dingy teeth.  Strawberries are not only delicious but they are also a natural way to whiten your teeth if you didn’t know.
Teeth Whitening Treatment:
1. Mash up two strawberries
2. Use the strawberry pulp as toothpaste
3. Brush your teeth with your new red toothpaste and voila! Whiter teeth!

Careful with the Berries!!!! The acid in the strawberries can weaken enamel over time, so you might not want to overdo it.
Love you all my lovelies for sticking around and for your support.
Hello and big shout out to all my new readers and followers too.
Hope you enjoy your stay and stick around to increase our company.
Check out all your blogs too , of course.
Smouts Smaats!!!