This weekend marked the one year anniversary of the conflict in Charlottesville, when hundreds of white supremacists and nazis demonstrated. That led to a conflict with decent Americans, where one young woman was killed as a racist barreled his car through a crown of people demonstrating against the racists.
While most Americans considered that conflict in Charlottesville a travesty, the racists considered it a great victory. They got their agenda in all the media, and Trump even called them "good people". They decided to celebrate the anniversary of Charlottesville with a huge rally in D.C. in a park across from the White House. The rally would be both a celebration of their "victory" last year, and a showing of support for their white supremacist brother in the White House.
But those plans went awry -- BIGLY! The "huge rally" was attended by less than 50 white supremacists and nazis. NBC put the number a a couple of dozen. And that paltry number of racists was surrounded by several thousand people demonstrating against them. In the end, their rally had to be cut short, and they were escorted away by police protecting them from the huge crowd of anti-demonstrators.
The whole thing was a huge embarrassment for the white supremacists and nazis -- and that's a good thing. They need to know their vile views will not be allowed to spread in this country, even with a racist in the White House.