Well known video featuring quotes from Noel Ignatiev, a professor at a university back east. By getting rid of Whiteness, he doesn’t mean getting rid of White people. He never discusses the existence of White people. He just argues that White people need to stop identifying as White because that identification is de facto oppression right there. Well then, I oppression it is because I am not going to stop identifying as White.
This man’s remarks are immensely triggering to the White nationalist types. It’s much more than a microaggression and it sends them rushing off to the White safe spaces in no time. The WN’s frequently call for this man to be killed, say Hitler was right, etc.
I am not worried about this guy. He’s just another White-hating Jew. They’re a dime a dozen. I think people like him are mostly just idiotic. On the day when his type actually becomes dangerous, then I might start worrying. Until then, he’s just another troll to me.
What’s the language in the subtitles? Swedish? I get those three languages so mixed up.