White Bean & Rocket (Arugula) Hummus

By Mercedes Aspland @vegetarianyogi

White Bean & Rocket (Arugula) Hummus

I thought it had been a while since I brought you a dip recipe so have got this one together for you. I do not normally post on a Sunday because this is normally when I am getting all my recipes together and taking pictures and just don't have the time for posting. This week though I already have a number of recipes prepared and so thought I would share one with you rather than waiting until tomorrow.
I have been doing a lot of thinking about this blog over the last few weeks and I have been trying to think of ways to improve it and bring you more value. I have had a few ideas that include doing some "How To" posts which means I need to think more about the images I do and show you some steps to things. I also want to increase my nutrition range and focus more on the vitamins and minerals in recipes. Exactly how I will do this and the way I will bring it together for you is still in the development process.

Some other great things I have been considering include more recipe collections form around the world. This will mean me taking the time to test recipes but I might make mini versions of recipes on other blogs and then bring a collection of my favorite to you. Then there is the yoga and there is so much that I want to write there including doing breakdowns and explanations of some of the more well known poses and some videos for you. As you can see I am planning on making myself very busy but also hopefully making this blog so much better.

Anyway after my little digression I suppose we should get back to this really yummy recipe. Packed full of delicious rocket and or course beans it is literally a powerhouse in terms of vitamins and minerals. Or course one of my favorite things about this dip and generally all dips is that it comes low on the glycemic index meaning it make the perfect snack when paired with a couple of oat cakes.

