Whistlepig Farmstock Rye Review

By Josh Peters @TheWhiskeyJug

Whistlepig Farmstock Rye is the first major market release WhistlePig has put out, though it’s not entirely their own whiskey. It’s a blend of their own young and rough spirit with some mid-range aged Canadian rye and some older Canadian rye. It’s a scenario that High West has managed to pull off quite well in the past, minus using their own spirit, but few others seem to do well.

In Whistle Ping’s Words: Whistlepig Farmstock Rye

“FarmStock is a historic step in realizing our vision of creating a true farm-to-bottle whiskey. It is the manifestation of the dream that launched the company: to produce the finest whiskey in the world from our Vermont farm.

Crop 001 marries the untamed contours and boldness of our estate whiskey, which only youth can provide, with the richness of our best five to six year ryes, topped off with the splendor of our 12 Year whiskey.”

You can see my overall feelings in the image above, but how exactly did the Whistlepig Farmstock Rye come together? Well for that you’ll need to read the Whistlepig Farmstock Rye review below.

Whistlepig Farmstock Rye Info

Region: Alberta, Canada & Vermont, USA

Distiller: Alberta Distillers and Whistle Pig
Mashbill: Not given
Cask: New charred oak and ex-Bourbon casks
Age: NAS
ABV: 43%

Crop: 001

Price: $85*

Whistlepig Farmstock Rye Review


Fruit and young oak with bits of brown sugar, Tootsie Rolls, citrus and spice. I know there’s some older whiskey in here, but mostly I’m getting is a rough young craft whiskey profile.

Fruit and young saw dust oak dominate with bits of butterscotch, vanilla taffy, copper and citric acid popping in. It tastes like so many other young craft whiskies I’ve had.

Med fruity drop of young oak, taffy and butterscotch.

Not fully balanced, medium body and a light hot feel.

I don’t think David Pickerell should have put out the Whistlepig Farmstock Rye. He used to work at Maker’s Mark so he knows what it takes to make well aged whiskey and this, this isn’t it. As an experiment it’s whatever, but as a full release it comes across like a young fruity craft rye from beginning to end. I don’t know what else to say other than that it needs a few more years in the rick house.

I’ve never reviewed a WhistlePig whiskey before because they’re too expensive for what you get so I’ve never bought one. I’ve tried them at friend’s houses and in bars several times and thought they were good, but I’ve never been able to justify the price. This one has me feeling the same way because it’s not a great marriage of young and old. The young blasts out the old and leaves that lingering “craft / young oak” flavor. Not a fan of the Whistlepig Farmstock Rye Batch 1.

SCORE: 78/100 (C+)

*Disclosure: This Whistlepig Farmstock Rye was graciously sent to me by the company for the purposes of this review. The views, opinions, and tasting notes are 100% my own.