Whispers Of Evil

Posted on the 10 September 2011 by Readingromances

Whispers of Evil

(The Watchers, #2)
by Stacey Kennedy

Can the whispers of evil be hushed by love, or will it be lost forever…

Nayeli has been locked away, hidden from the world in a mental institution, all due to the whispers of evil which have corrupted her mind. Unbeknownst to her, the voices that have plagued her are a gift given to only one kind―Watchers.

Griffin, her Seeker, is about to break this cage of imprisonment woven around her and give her a new chance at life. But when a demon leaves the confines of Hell to create havoc in Louisiana, will his love for Nayeli free her wounded heart, or will she succumb to the whispers which threaten to steal her soul?

*WARNING:  Explicit sex between a timid Watcher and a gorgeous Seeker, and a ceremony that will certainly raise eyebrows!

My Thoughts

This story is full of action and great dialogues.

This is the second book of a series but it can be read as a stand alone, as all is explained.Whispers Of Evil is a fun read that is so well writen that you’ll want to know more and more, and then suddenly it ends. I didnt realize how many hours had passed by till I finished reading it and looked at the clock! It’s so fun, sexy and captivating!

I loved the fact that it had a lot of dialogue, cause this is my favorite way to gather all the information from the previous book and explain to the reader without making them feel tired or bored I really liked the connection beween the watcher and their “soul-mate”, it doesn’t appear forced, but natural – which is a hard thing to do when you have this type of relationship. I suggest you give it a try, you’ll enjoy it!

Heat Level: 4/5

Rating: 5/5