Whisky Poll: Would You Buy A $12,710 Bottle of Whisky To Honor The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee?

By Boozedancing @boozedancing

Earlier this week, I received an advertisement from Master of Malt. Apparently, the folks at Gordon and MacPhail have released a 60 year old Glen Grant to commemorate Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee. For the low, low price of £7,995 (roughly $12,710), you can purchase a 70cl bottle that comes in a wooden case with a piece of mounted glass, cut to look like a large diamond. The tasting notes would suggest that the 60 years in the cask were well spent and have produced a spicy, yet incredibly fresh and juicy whisky. With an ABV of 42.30%, I have to think that this is one mellow whisky, so while not exactly in my price range, I am left asking myself, “If I had the disposable income, would I consider buying a bottle of this very special whisky?”.

Once again, rather than wrestle with this dilemma on my own (the Twitter hashtag for this week’s crisis would have to be #richguyproblems), I thought I would ask you, our loyal readers, for some advice. Please take a moment to answer our poll. Thanks in advance for all your help!

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