Whisky News Flash: Bowmore Announces Its “Ultimate Islay Adventure” Contest!

By Boozedancing @boozedancing

Earlier this week, I received an email from a PR firm in Glasgow asking if we would help them promote a contest for the Bowmore Distillery. Here was my initial response to their request:

Thanks for reaching out to us! This sounds like a fantastic contest, but truth be told, I’m greedy and I want it all to myself! I MUST GET TO ISLAY! NOW!

After giving it a bit of thought, I realized that selfishness has never gotten me anywhere, so I decided that I would share this information with you, our loyal readers. There’s just one catch, if any of you happen to win this fabulous prize, I’m going too! Is that too much to ask? I think not.

Without further ado, here is more information from our friends in Glasgow about this fantastic contest! May the best man or woman win. Slainte!


Win The Ultimate Bowmore Adventure

Islay is a majestic, weather beaten land combining natural beauty with the rugged outdoors and we want to give two of our friends from around the world the chance to explore our island home on the ultimate Bowmore adventure.

Along with our Brand Advocates Ken Hames and Colin Prior, the winners will enjoy an unforgettable five day trip to Islay, from surviving on an uninhabited island overnight to photographing majestic eagles at dawn; this trip will be the ultimate outdoor lover’s adventure around Islay.

After experiencing all the outdoors can throw at you its back to the Bowmore distillery to enjoy your reward. Highlights of your trip will include:

  • Dawn Islay photography master class with Colin Prior
  • Construction of a hide with Ken Hames
  • An overnight expedition to the island of Scarba
  • Foraging for lunch
  • VIP tour and an in-depth tasting at Bowmore including some very special expressions

Enter to win by visiting Bowmore Distillery’s website,or their Facebook page.