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Hellooooo fall semester! Can you believe fall semester is here? School starts TOMORROW. That's such an insane thought, I can barely fathom it. But it's an amazing thing because I feel so at peace and just overjoyed about this semester. It's honestly a strange feeling because I haven't recognized this kind of feeling in such a long time. My roommates are almost completely moved into the house and God could not have put two better women in my life to live with. They are two of the most uplifting people I've met and have already been such a Godsend. My schedule is almost completely worked out and I have classes Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays which I'm actually looking forward to. It's really hard for me to find excitement in school work. I usually find fulfillment in my projects and things along that line. But this year, things are so fresh and brand new that I just know in my heart of hearts it's going to be such an amazing semester. With graduation right around the corner in the spring (trust me...I've taken a few detours on the way and it's been a long time coming) this semester is going to fly when I'm wanting to savor college the most. Happy week! P.S. In case y'all needed some good news...STARBUCKS IS BRINGING BACK PUMPKIN SPICE EARLY! August 25th! And yes, this girl is EXCITED.xoBCC