{Whim of the South Mini Moments}

By Whimofthesouth
Follow along with Whim of the South on Instagram! @whimofthesouth 

Woah, this week was a big one! I'll be honest, there wasn't a lot of time to breath. There was even a night that I didn't get sleep. Hence being up for over 36 hours. My body is hating me for that one. But I had to. There really wasn't an option. This week, I might've gone a little spend happy but I NEEDED those new hunters and of course the new Kate Spade planner right? Tell me I'm right! With Monday here and the rest of the week ahead, I can't wait to see what other adventures lay ahead now that work training is done and my big girl job is underway. The whole thing is intimidating and exhilarating at the same time. That's the best way I can explain it. I've started having time to go tanning again and FINALLY had time to work out again last night. Which, y'all don't even know how much I missed! Happy week! It's almost July! Who knew time would fly this fast? xoBCC