While You Were Worrying About Yelp, Twitter Potentially Turned into Your Most Useful Social Media Tool.

By Keewood @sellingeating

Admittedly, this news is coming from a Twitter representative.

But it just reinforces one of social media’s big opportunities: people are broadcasting how you can improve your service while there’s still time to do something about it. You just have to notice.

Really, nobody has social media 100% figured out, as came out in last spring’s forum at NRA in Chicago (which I blogged about on the NRA’s “Brainfeed” blog). You just have to pay attention, and choose when to respond and when not to, in real time.

Fortunately, that’s another bit of advice that came out of the Digital Innovation Forum in London last week: stay loose, fun, connected, and spontaneously using Twitter (and Instagram) instead of programmatically scheduling tone-deaf auto-tweets.

Basically, if you’re using Twitter, and/or Instagram, and/or Facebook, the way they’re best used—to join and participate in an actual community that happens to be online, and to push out the personality of your restaurant, whatever it is—then you’re also more likely to catch the complaints when you can fix them.