While I've Been Gone...

By Somanycolors
Well, I've been away for a while. I was pretty busy in July and August getting ready for two sewing expos. So busy, in fact, I forgot to watch my step. I fell down the stairs and broke my ankle in three places. All but the most essential tasks were put on hold, including blogging.
I was able to get back to the Rust Belt Market after a few weeks with the help of my knee walker.
My booth inventory was pretty sparse but I had to work on sales since I missed both of the sewing expos. It's really hard carrying and cutting bolts of fabric with this thing! My scarves carried me through.
I've since decided that I'm not trying any more expos. I missed three in 2011, all due to physical injuries. While I hated losing all of that money (no refunds) I made it through. I wrote a post a while back about  not signing up for a show unless you could actually lose your money and survive. I could and did but I'm just not willing to attempt it again. Besides, there are lots of ways to  be successful with hand dyed fabric!