Whihdrawal Symptoms!

By Plot58 @plot58

Well its day 8 of my holiday which I took to get some jobs done down the allotment and so far because of the weather I have spent a total of 3 hours there, so today after the wife went to work and I ran the girls to school and pre-school I found myself with a few spear hours but couldn’t go to the allotment as the snow is still quite bad in Colchester I had to do something I was getting withdrawal symptoms!So I pottered in my shed for a while then decided to sow some tomato, Aubergine & parsley seeds.    I have grown Aubergine’s before but not from seed I normally pick one up from the garden center as a small plant. Every year now when I grow tomatoes I always go over the top and grow 6 or 7 typesbut this year I have decided on just 3 types the reliable Gardeners Delight , Alicante and San Mirzano 3 a plum variety that way it covers it all with a plum for cooking and 2 salad variety’s.
This is the earliest I have sown tomato seeds I normally wait till mid-march butthis year the thought was this would extend the growing season as I could plant them in May when they were about to fruit. Rather than have to wait till mid-June before any. I plant outside for the allotment and I have a greenhouse at home and grow in there as well this year I am going to grow the Aubergines inside and out as they normally stay in the greenhouse and see what produces best.
Parsley also benefits from an early sowing this will give it chance to establish and form good size plants. I love parsley it’s one of my favourite herbs it adds a splash of color to a dish or if used right add a distinct flavor to a good soup. It also I find planted in with your carrots helps deal with carrot fly.I did it last year and didn’t have any, so I will be doing the same again this year. Hopefully the snow will clear buy Thursday and I can finally get up the plot.