Which Fixed Stars Are You Connected To?

By Solarisastro @solarisastro

Fixed Stars Summer Special - Just for the rest of June and July only I am offering a very cheap and exclusive summary of the Fixed Stars against your natal chart which you can purchase for just £10, approximately 12 Euros or around $15. This is going to be a limited offer during these summer months.

I will look at which stars make conjunctions directly with your natal planets and angles and what they mean to you personally? Most of you out there probably don't know that you have stars connected to your planets subtly affecting your destiny. Now you have a chance to find out how you are connected personally to the stars as well as the planets. When you delve into them, often you find a fascinating picture appearing.

If you are interested in this exclusive offer, please go to the following link to order up a report.

Many thanks, Paul...

Fixed Stars and how they affect your Astrology Chart