Which Comes First, Diabetes Or High Blood Pressure?

Posted on the 05 October 2015 by Ayubasad
High blood pressure and diabetes are linked. A new study suggests people with high blood pressure are 56 per cent more likely to develop diabetes than those with normal blood pressure.
The George Institute for Global Health study provides the strongest evidence yet of a link between the two.
While it is unclear if one causes the other, research could test if lowering blood pressure prevents or treats diabetes.
The study looked at health records of 4.1 million adults from the United Kingdom who were initially free of both conditions.
It found that every 20mm increase in the top blood pressure number (systolic) raised the risk of diabetes by 58 per cent.
The link was present in a range of people, regardless of sex, age or body mass index.
The researchers also analysed pooled data from 30 earlier studies and found a 77 per cent higher chance of diabetes for every 20mm increase in systolic blood pressure.
With a million Australians affected by diabetes, this study is a potential game-changer in the understanding and treatment of the condition.
Read more: http://www.afr.com/lifestyle/health/mens-health/which-comes-first-diabetes-or-high-blood-pressure-20151005-gk1qob