Whew Chile, He Said You A WHOLE SNACK but Still Cheat
By Themilkaint4free
"The Flesh Profiteth Nothing!" John 6:63
Whew, chile, he said you a whole snack. You know you got it going on, Perfect teeth and hour glass figure to boot.
This scripture "The Flesh Profiteth Nothing" took on a whole new meaning for me over 15 years ago.
I was just reading and hearing all the publicity of a famous actress known as the most beautiful woman in the world getting played time and time again by different men but the same story. I said to my 20 year old self, "girl, don't harass yourself trying to be all picture perfect and a no good man ain't going to do right anyhow."
That's right, no matter how pretty you are if the guy you are dating is a jerk, he will still mistreat you. God's word is true both now and forever, the flesh...our pretty faces in the end will not achieve anything great just by being pretty. This flesh is just a shell, we have to be about more, and we have to accept into our lives Men with character, periodt.
So, yes, it's okay to look nice, and I believe in looking your best. At the same time, if your hair is not perfect, you should still feel beautiful if you are clothe in the beauty of kindness and a gentle spirit. Because if a male is just drawn to you for the physical, it will not last.
I challenge you to have days of no make-up and feel 100% comfortable in your own skin, and let your inner beauty add the finishing touches. Above all Love God and Love Yourself by choosing men who drip with the real....a heart of gold that can Love You Like Christ Loves the Church!
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