Where to Shop for Vintage in Chicago

By Francoisetmoi

Earlier this Spring, I counted down my favorite spots to hunt for vintage home treasures here in Minneapolis, and today I'm back on the topic, but this time in Chicago, my 2nd favorite Midwest City! #winkwink

Summer is practically here, and you know what that means: ROADTRIP! Fellow Midwestern designer/blogger, Claire Staszak, of Centered by Design is here to give us the inside scoop on the best spots to shop for thrift and vintage pieces in her City (A.K.A. Her personal favorites for hunting vintage gems for both herself & clients.)

Claire and I met on Instagram, and bonded over renovating our 1930's era homes + our mutual love for all things vintage, so I was all-in when she suggested we collaborate. Take one look at her site or Instagram, and it's not hard to see Claire has impeccable style and a love for good design. I knew she'd have the skinny on where to go.

If you're planning a Chicago roadtrip this summer, make sure to pin this map, so you know where to go when you're there!

Photo Cred: Feature Photo \\ Photo of Claire