Imagine serving your lunch in a fresh plantain leaves.I find many Expats make a beeline in these restorans in Cameroon Highlands,Penang, Langkawi and in Kualalumpur.Eating with your own hand is areal experience for these guys and gals.These restorans allow you to choose the side dishes before they start serving you.Food is really good and you can have white rice or roti depending on your liking and experiment the hot spicy vegetables that go along with it.
In Melaka as you come to the end of the walking trail along the river cruise at the end you will see a park.As you get out of the park turn to your right and on the left is this vegetarian restaurant.They not only serve meals but alsi dishes like iddli,bonda,vada,dosa which you can taste throughout the day.They also provide you with chutney which is made out of coconut and dhal and sambhar which contains all the proteins and vitamins you need for the day.
If you are not comfortable with plantain leaf ask for a plate and spoon and enjoy your vegan delicacy.
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