Where The Governors Stand On Global Climate Change

Posted on the 03 July 2014 by Jobsanger

This handy map (from the good folks over at Think Progress) shows where the governors of all the states stand on global climate change (commonly called global warming). The states in green accept the climate science and are trying to do what they can to help. The states in orange accept the climate science, but have a mixed record on trying to better the situation. The states in red have a governor who is not on record with the climate science or is not taking significant action to fix the climate. And the states in red with black lines are where the governors are climate-deniers and are opposing any action to cure climate change.
While this map shows the positions taken by states (and not the federal government), it gives us a big clue as to why efforts to fight global climate change in the United States is so difficult. Only a handful of states accept the science, and are willing to help the federal government fight global warming.