So, where is the damn Ghostkeeper.
It seems that my Ghostkeeper feature film has disappeared from the face of the earth. Well, actually in a Camarillo Mobile Home Park. At least I think is there. It is for sale.
Let's go back. Way back.
In 2016 my distributor gave me $4000 for the money I should get. Probably. You all know how rotten distribs are. They keep what they want. But Bill was always a good guy, always gave me the money I am supposed to have.
But he disappeared from Earth.
And I cannot find him anywhere. His brother needs a replacement part of his stomach and he's not in good shape either.
We go back to when Ghostkeeper was gone from the face of the world. But he found me when my other distributor ran away with money. Bill was always truthful. Distributors, as I said are crooks. But Bill had disappeared. He
And I have no idea of where he was. I called film companies I knew if they knew but nothing.
I saw the word distributers. His distribution company was called Code Red.
All I know is that someone now lives in Camarillo Mobile Home Park. And he or whomever holds Ghostkeeper and I need to go down there and see who/he/she it is!!
So that's what I got. Some guy who sells Ghostkeeper and I don't know who he/she/it is.
Yeah, I know, I gotta go back down and find the place just outside the valley, dude.
Anybody wanna try? I'll be happy...