Where My Heart Is

By Whimofthesouth

My faith isn't something that I'm always extremely open about. And it honestly wasn't until a few days ago that I realized just how quiet I am about my beliefs. I was on the phone with one my best friends from my childhood and I was talking with him about how blessed I feel to be in a house with some amazing roommates and how it truly is something God has been amazing about. His reply surprised me. He said, "Well, Breck...I didn't know you were that religious." And to be honest it shocked me. I kept playing it over and over again because I would assume everyone would know because I go to Liberty and it's a Christian school. But my realization in that was that it really isn't enough to just attend a Christian school. Your life should reflect your beliefs as well. When I was in second grade, I accepted Christ at a Billy Graham crusade, with my childhood pastor right there beside me. He prayed with me, guided me, and baptized me. To this day, he still guides me in my walk with Christ and gives me words of encouragement when I need it.  Being a child when I accepted Christ doesn't mean that the road has been easy. See, I have a rebellious spirit. It means that I constantly fight what I am told to do because I have this desire to chart my own path. Getting into middle school and then into high school it was hard to stay on that path and though I said I was a Christian, my actions were far from it. There was a point that I broke my mother's heart because I said I was agnostic not Christian. And it breaks my heart now that I even thought that could be a possibility. Towards the end of my senior year, God allowed circumstances to happen with friendships and school that brought me back on the path to Him. But again in my freshman year of college, I got swept up in a different scene than the one that glorified him. Finally at the end of the summer after my freshman year, He drastically changed my direction yet again. It was my last day home before returning to school for my sophomore year. I was sitting on Facebook chatting with friends about the upcoming year when an advertisement for Liberty University transfers popped up. Before I knew it I had the transfer application filled out and submitted. The school almost immediately called and within three days my financial aid was transferred over, my FALL classes were picked out, and I was moved into a house in Lynchburg. I literally saw God move mountains to get me to where He wanted me to be. I tried to justify it but I just couldn't. When I met my ex, I justified it and said "if I hadn't transferred, I wouldn't have met him." But God still had another plan. It was like he was saying "it's not time for this yet. be patient." And again, God allowed for a big change in my life. See God takes these moments and makes them monumental turning points for him to start the rebuilding of our paths. And it's such a wonderful thing to take comfort it. Despite all of the times my rebellious spirit has tried to stray away and do my own thing, God has been patient in guiding me back onto the path that He wants me to be on. I am incredibly grateful that He never gives up on me and that He has an amazing plan that I have no idea of it's end result. 

Deuteronomy 31:8 "It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”