Where Is Digital Marketing Heading In The Upcoming Year?

Posted on the 10 December 2019 by Witselx9

Digital marketing is changing and with 2020 just on the horizon, it's important to ensure that you are aware of the upcoming trends and technologies expected to make waves in the new year. From PPC Management Essex, to Social Media and the rise of voice search, our team of experts is sharing their insight on what's to come.

Social Media

With social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and even YouTube being used more than ever before, the social marketing channel will continue to make waves within the digital marketing industry in the New Year.

Ultimately, if your business is not yet present on these social media channels, you want them to be. Not only will they enable you to explore your target audiences' interests and behaviors on an entirely new level, but it will help to ensure that your business remains active on more than one platform which is key when it comes to boosting the awareness of your brand and increasing sales and revenue.

Voice Search

With more than half of all searches expected to be made by voice in 2020, it's important that you prepare for this key trend. One way you can prepare for voice search is to understand the impact it has and will continue to have, on content marketing. Essentially, you need to make sure that your content reads how it would be spoken. Using simple language and optimizing your content for user intent are just two great ways to lift your website off the ground in terms of voice search.

Influence Your Brand With Influencers

In addition to the continued rise of social media for business, more and more brands are relying on the power of influencers in order to boost their brand awareness and attract more customers to their site. Influencer marketing isn't necessarily expensive either, as there are a number of different ways you can utilize the idea of influencers within your marketing strategy. From posting pictures on Instagram to sharing stories, there are several ways you can get people involved with your brand to boost engagement and increase interactivity.

The Use Of Chatbots

Chatbots have the ability to take a weight off of a lot of businesses, helping to free up their time to manage more important aspects of the business. They are often used for customer service purposes, helping to answer general queries, provide support where applicable and improve user experience. In some cases, these "bots" can even interact with people in a way that humans can't! They're fast, efficient and can help to streamline your customer's experience from the start, to finish.

Rise In Interactive Content

In order to maintain engagement levels, more and more businesses are turning to interactive content to help them give audiences what they really want. From fun polls and quizzes and polls, to 360-degree videos and AR/VR, there are several ways you can make your generic content more interesting and pleasing to the eye.

As digital marketing continues to evolve, it's important that you ensure that your business moves with it, taking into account all of the latest trends and technologies. How do you plan to ensure that your marketing strategy is on-form for 2020?