Where In The World? No's 16 & 17: #Minnesota & #Florida

By Lwblog @londonwalks

Where in the World? is our new occasional series in which Adam, The Daily Constitutional’s Editor is logging the locations of his London Walkers. “We meet people from all over the world, and I thought it would be fun to map them out to create a picture of where our London Walkers (and Daily Constitutionalists) come from. We’ll be breaking it down by English and Welsh counties, Scottish regions, Irish provinces, U.S States, Canadian provinces, Australian states, European, Asian, African and South American countries. And, of course, by London boroughs.” Great the meet the Tubbs family from Minnesota who were celebrating their 21st wedding anniversary! Congratulations and thanks for joining us on a London Walk!
And we added Florida to our map with some media students who booked a private version of the Fleet Street walk Publish & Be Damned!
Minnesota and London
Film director Terry Gilliam was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1940. He came to fame as a member of the Monty Python team, all of whom are commemorated on this plaque…

…in Covent Garden.
Florida and London
Our Florida connection is not so much a Florida-in-London link, more a London-in-Florida story. The designer Barbara Hulanicki, whose name often comes up along the route of our Kensington Walk, currently resides in Miami. Her company, Biba, was one of the legendary names of Swinging London design and fashion.  Based in Kensington, she had premises in Abingdon Road, Church Street and High Street Kensington before taking over the old Derry & Toms department store (where we visit the roof garden every Thursday and Saturday). 

Forty Winks Kensington-Style: A character from our Kensington Walk

Hulanicki is still active in the world of design and has refurbished the interiors of Art Deco hotels in Miami, as well as working in Jamaica.
A London Walk costs £9 – £7 concession. To join a London Walk, simply meet your guide at the designated tube station at the appointed time. Details of all London Walks can be found at www.walks.com