Where Has the Summer Gone?

By Sewchicago @sewchicago

Oh my! It’s been almost two months since I’ve written to you, dear readers. There’s so much to catch up with you and so many ideas and chapter information to share. I’ll be writing them and bringing  you up-to-date within the next week.

  • Updates about the Joplin Project First Day. There have been several recent inquiries if they are still accepting clothes. I’m finding out and will update you.
  • September is National Sewing Month! This year’s theme is about love; have you thought of ideas already?
  • Fall is around the corner and the Make It With Wool contest entries are due soon. Time is short if you haven’t started, but we’ll give you some tips that the Peoria ASG group shared.
And so many other things! To get us back in the swing of things, here’s an old Singer TV commercial. Sewing for economy hasn’t changed.