Where Did the Time Go?!

By Kina_lillet

Okay, my unofficial hiatus is over as of today! Realizing that it's been months since my last post is rather unsettling and, so, I've been spending the last few hours catching up on what been going on in the world of blogging. I see Garance is up to #15 with her Weekend Inspirations and I'm only just found the time to watch her Cannes edition of Pardon My French! The Sartorialist is in Loewe, Madrid for the opening of his exhibition (how exciting!), and Aarean at The Color Issue is giving away cash!  
Oh my, what got into me??

Whatever it was, it's gone now and I'm on my way back to weekly blogging!  O
f course, there's someone I'd like to thank for (this may sound terrible...) reminding me that I have a blog to tend to! She's an adorable New Yorker who's looking to take on street style photography. Her excitement and eagerness for not only blogging, but my work particularly, was all it took to get me back into blogging mode. Go ahead, why don't you give her blog a visit! //  kittysayword
And speaking of street style; Kitty suggested I give it a try myself! I thought, 'Why not?' Naturally, though, I figured walking up to a stranger and asking to take their photo would be one of the most nerve wrecking things ever. So, I sought a bit of guidance from my favorite street fashion photography icon:
