When Your Husband Tries to Block Your Escape

By Sue15cat

I woke up this morning to a bit of a shock .... where was our tipper trailer?

Looking lower down from the bedroom window I saw it ...... it had rolled down from it's usual parking spot in front of the net tunnel to just in front of the gates.  Luckily our land has been contoured under the tarmac to allow for maximum water run off (it's all caught in the soakaways), so it didn't continue on its journey and crash into the house .... it's pretty heavy at the moment as it has a load on board of large blocks!!

Maybe Lovely Hubby should try applying the handbrake next time he's finished using it ... or at the very least put a brick behind the wheels, which is what I've done now so it doesn't roll down any further and completely block the gates.
Luckily I drive a small car so I can fit out of the gate space left to me ... nice  try darling but you can't keep me a prisoner that easily   ;-)
Sue xx