When Visual Storytelling Wins, So Do the Readers

Posted on the 19 February 2012 by Themarioblog @garciainteract

TAKEAWAY: The talented design teams of the Times of Oman and the South China Morning Post have been rewarded with well deserved awards from the Society of News Design (SND). Both newspapers showcase samples of visual storytelling at its best.

One of the reasons to follow the yearly judging event by the Society of News Design (SND) is to discover how the most creative minds in our business often take ordinary type of stories and translate them visually into extraordinary examples.

The results of SND’s 33rd edition contest are now available (go here to see all the winners: http://www.snd.org), and we are in touch with colleagues whose work has won.  These are newspapers which which Garcia Media worked in the past year.  Personally, I feel privileged to work with these talented artists.

Among them, Adonis Durado, design director for the Times of Oman and Al Shabiba, both based in Muscat.  Adonis reports that
luck is on our side this year.”  Indeed, it is. The Times of Oman and Al Shabiba have received a combined total of 49 awards, placing them in third place globally among the most design award winning newspapers.

I have singled out here some of the winning pages from Times of Oman. In each case, what would have been a challenging visual problem for the designer to solve, given the topics, has been creatively handled.

See for yourself!

Booking air travel online

A timely business story: capitalism and greed

Press censorship

US Army looks for recruits in social media

Previous about Times of Oman and awards:

At the South China Morning Post

In Hong, the South China Morning Post received a total of 9 awards from SND, most notable among them the work of its infographics star, Simon Scarr, whom we have profiled in this blog last month.

These are Simon’s awarded graphics:

The financial costs of 9/11

The cost of lives in Iraq

In this graphic, Simon Scarr shows us who we are following the birth of the 7th billion citizen of the world

Yves Sieur:Three back page photo essays got 3 awards in photography/multiple photos category

Other South China Morning Post awards

Brian Wang:Chinese Drugs trade - single lead black and white illustration

Yves Sieur:Three back page photo essays got 3 awards in photography/multiple photos category

TheMarioBlog post #952