When the Great Ice Sheets Start Going Down — Approaching the Age of “Storms”

By Garry Rogers @Garry_Rogers


We have ignored the warnings and relentlessly burned gasoline, oil, and coal; now we must prepare for Act II, the Age of Storms.  This story is in the Climate News, but its importance justifies a repeat.

From the conclusion:

“As for phase 3 climate change — that’s a transition to a runaway hothouse and a stratified/Canfield Ocean state. And we really don’t want to see that either. But before we get there, it’s a transition to an age of glacial melt and tremendously potent storms.”

Originally posted on robertscribbler:

The great ice sheets are melting with increasing velocity. Melt ponds are forming over Greenland, then pounding heat down through the ice like the smoldering hammers of ancient Norse fire giants. Warming mid-depth ocean waters are eating away at the undersides of Antarctica’s great ice shelves. Pools of fresh water are expanding outward from the bleeding glaciers, flooding the surface zones of the world’s oceans. Sea level rise rates have jumped to 4.4 millimeters per year. And the North Atlantic Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is slowing down.

(Accelerating ice mass loss from Antarctica, Greenland and other continental glaciers and ice caps [GICs]. Image source: Geophysical Research Letters.)

Keeping all this in mind, let’s talk a little bit about the ugly transition to phase 2 climate change. A transition it now appears we’re at the start of. The — you should have listened to Dr. James Hansen and…

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