When the Elephant in the Room is Bigger Than the Turkey on the Table!

By Marilyngardner5 @marilyngard

Communication, Community, Fall, Family, Fridays with Robynn, Gratitude, Holidays, Humor, Life, Life in general, Memories, Relationships, Robynn

We here at Communicating Across Boundaries know that this might very well be an awkward holiday season for all of us. Families divided must now come back together around the Thanksgiving table. What on earth are we going to talk about? Here are a few suggestions to promote pre-Christmas "Peace on Earth" and "Goodwill toward all men."

*Talk about the weather! Here in Kansas the weather changes frequently. That allows you the opportunity to go back and talk about it again and again throughout the day. If the weather in your part of the world is more stagnant I invite you to talk about the weather in Kansas!

*Talk about sports! I personally don't know how to talk about sports very well but usually if you insert, "So...how about those Royals?", into the conversation, something will take off. Every once in a while you can nod and exclaim, "Yeah!" with authority and a suitable degree of incredulity. (Feel free to insert whatever local team you've heard batted around in your part of the world).

*Talk about other Thanksgivings. Remember the time 67 wild turkeys crossed the yard on Thanksgiving Day all those years ago? Remember the time my sister in law and I both brought the same cheesy corn casserole but everyone liked hers better? Remember last Thanksgiving-when everyone came from all over the world? That was such a special holiday.

*Talk about T.V. Has anyone seen anything good on TV lately? Try not to reference reality TV shows as someone might accidentally start talking about the conversation we're all trying to avoid: Politics!

*Talk about TV in the "olden" days. What show did you use to watch when you were a kid? What time of day did it come on? Who did you watch it with?

*Talk about tattoos. I mean it can't hurt! If you could get any tattoo what would you get?

*Talk about weird or interesting talents. My husband Lowell can play a recorder with his nose. I can pack a mean suitcase. One of our daughters can impersonate Julia Andrews, the other can swing the hula hoop remarkably well. Our son Connor can talk like Goofy-it's pretty obnoxious-but it an interesting or weird talent.

*If they were going to make a movie of your life who would they get to play you? This always gets people going in pretty harmless ways!

*What's the strangest or scariest restaurant you've ever eaten at? Why did you go there?

*Talk about Bucket Lists (Unless you've got family that are close to kicking their bucket-that might be too morbid!) -What do you still have on yours? Have you crossed anything off recently?

*Talk Thanksgiving Trivia. I hate trivia games. My brain wasn't wired for them but they do take up conversational space and there are some in our family who are actually quite good at remembering useless bits of information!

Who was president when Thanksgiving became an annual holiday? (Abraham Lincoln)

In what year did the Macy's Thanksgiving parade become a thing? (1924)

(Skip this one if it's too close to a political theme!) Which President was the first to give the Thanksgiving turkey an official pardon? (Ronald Reagan)

What are Turkey chicks called? (Pults or Turkeylings)

In what year did the green bean casserole first appear on the scene? (1955)

During Chuseok, the Korean Thanksgiving / harvest festival, they traditionally eat a stuffed food but it isn't a turkey. What food do Koreans stuff and eat during Chuseok? (Rice pastry dumplings)

Where is the only place in Australia where Thanksgiving is celebrated? (Norfolk Island)

Who do children in Japan give drawings to on Labor Thanksgiving Day? (Police Stations)

*Talk about Thanksgiving! Talk out loud about the things you are thankful for. Acknowledge one another with gratitude. Tell each other about the tiny and the tall blessings you've been given. Practice being thankful!

*If you're still struggling to think what to talk about there are countless websites with conversation starters. Who knew? http://conversationstartersworld.com/250-conversation-starters/ http://www.popsugar.com/smart-living/Easy-Conversation-Starters-34313495 http://thefamilydinnerproject.org/tag/ages-14-100

We here at Communicating Across Boundaries wish you a Thanksgiving marked by sincere gratitude and deep hope.