When Street Art And Food Meet | Restaurant Design

By Saharg @Saharghazale

In Miami, specifically Wynwood Walls Park, Tony Goldman offered the exterior of the buildings owned by Goldman Properties to international artists selected by New York gallery Deitch Projects. What was once just a warehouse, is now plastered inside out with street art of different styles and themes. Goldman’s daughter, Jessica, came up with the idea of turning one of the warehouses into a restaurant, Wynwood Kitchen & Bar. The restaurant finishes were mediocre, but the installations and transformation of the space was beautiful and well done. The restaurant is an attraction for hundreds of artists especially that Miami is popular for the Art Basel Miami Beach that takes place annually.

The difficulty in the transformation was not harming the murals specially when they were deciding where the location of the door and other major elements would be. When that happened, the artists would help out and incorporate the functional elements within the mural.

“Wynwood Walls will be getting six more murals before Art Basel 2011. But the park itself, which consists of a few re­purposed tractor tires, some blacktop, and some grass, will never get any fancy landscaping. "This is Wynwood," Samson says. "We’re not going to Disneyland it up." That means no birds-of-paradise and no palm trees.”

Designed by : James Samson

Interior Design Magazine