When Should You Advertise on Facebook Over Google?

Posted on the 17 May 2012 by Chrisbrown @ChrisBrown330

In an advertising discussion the other day, the question of click-thru  or pay-per-click advertising came up:

“Facebook Ads  or Google Ads?”

Each has their strengths and weaknesses

Facebook ads are postage stamp size, but unlike adwords, at least there is a photo. Google display ads offer better visuals for larger content. Facebook allows you to present impressions to very targeted group.  (You can narrow down by zip code and age for example.)  Google ads work better for business-to-business advertising than Facebook ads. Many businesses block Facebook from work computers.  Facebook ads don’t show up on my smartphone, but I’m not seeing Google ads when I search on the phone either..  Maybe that will change after the IPO and Facebook is looking at quarterly profit reporting to shareholders…

With Facebook’s IPO set to launch tomorrow, I though this might be a timely topic. I even f found this infographic that presented some of the pros and cons of Facebook vs Google advertising from a graphic perspective:

Source: wordstream.com via Chris on Pinterest

So tell me.  Which do you choose and why?  What do you think? Leave a comment below.