When Shopping For a GPS Tracking Provider, Ensure That They Are Forthcoming and Transparent…

Posted on the 10 January 2013 by Easytracgps @EasyTracGPS

When shopping for a GPS tracking provider, ensure that they are completely forthcoming with you, and transparent in presenting their product and service. Too often we hear of fleet owners, especially of smaller fleets, making a buying decision without ever seeing the tracking system in action first…and then finding out after the fact that they really weren’t satisfied with the capabilities of the system.  Not that it was a faulty product or lesser service, it simply wasn’t a good fit. Hey, it happens, but don’t let this be you! One way to avoid this is to see a demo of the system that you’re interested in FIRST! You shouldn’t have to ask for the demo either, it should be offered by the sales associate. If they hesitate when discussing a demonstration, that can be a major red flag…since it indicates that they have no confidence in their product.  Don’t fall into this trap!  Some food for thought for those in the process of shopping for a GPS tracking system.

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