When Psychics Are Wrong

By Psychicillumination @psychicdad

Holy Cow, I’ve gone and done it now, haven’t I? I made a public prediction that turned out to be wrong.  Gasp! Career over…well, not quite.

I’ve never claimed 100% accuracy. One hundred percent psychic accuracy is the providence of God Almighty. Nothing we humans do is 100%, nothing!

My usual accuracy, like most tested psychics (i.e. John Edward) and trained Remote Viewers is at 80% and often 90%. That means even at my best I have at ten to twenty percent running error rate. Even when I get great data, some small element is wrong. That is our human filter right now. As Paul stated, “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.”

That being said, I certainly could have done better with my GOP Nominee prediction. I have not been getting the proper sleep or meditation time and my eating habits have not been the best. There is a big difference between passively perceiving psychic information and actively seeking it as well. Even people with training run the risk of being wrong more by actively pushing the limits of their perception.

National events are also much more complex than someone asking me about their personal life. There are many more variable, intuitively, to deal with. All this being said, my failure to predict the GOP Nominee did set me back and make me ponder. So I am taking more time to prepare and care for myself before expecting amazing results again.

Zoltar the Magnificent!

Trust me, I will be back on track, blowing your socks off again, very soon! In the mean time, you might want to consult my good buddy Zoltar the Magnificent, located in St. Augustine, Florida!