When Lord When: The Wait For Your King
By Themilkaint4free
When Lord When!!!
I'm tired of waiting.
It's Not going to happen, is it?
Everybody's getting married but me!
(Bring those thoughts under subjection and declare: I have the Mind of Christ and I will have the life he desires for me)
When you are waiting and it's getting later and later with every birthday, desperation, hopelessness tries to kick-in...But Don't Let It...GOD is Faithful, and He will fulfill the Promise and Give You His Best.
So What Do You Do when it seems you are at a roadblock and "Mr" Right seems out of sight.
1. Pray to God to give you contentment and peace
2. Examine your heart: why do I want to get married
3. Be honest and ask yourself "Am I proactively preparing myself to enter marriage by already being a "Wife To Christ"
4. After examination, Put the Plan in Action to be the "Best You" for God as a Bride of Christ!
5. Now "Pray and Fast" that every hindrance to your destiny be moved in the Name of Christ Jesus!!!
What keeps you encouraged as you "Wait For God's Best" in every area of your life?
The Milk Ain't 4 Free, Christ Paid It All!!!
An eBook fit for a queen Click here for paperback version