... stare at said lemon for hours on end, shocked you could even produce one of these on a tropical tree in your colder climate. Or something like that.
Weather still sucks here in case you were wondering. The only way to even think about checking out the garden is via hovercraft and mine is in the shop.
So I'll have to entertain myself by ogling the lone Meyer lemon that is on the tree right now.
Well that and the last remaining bloom on the tree as well.
OK and also the new growth that has emerged all over the tree.
Did I mention how wonderful it is outside?
Yes, that is lawn and not the Delaware River.
I did eventually find a way to get out in the garden without being swept away just to enjoy the bulbs that have started to put on growth at a nice pace.
The daffodils.
And the crocuses.
Even more exciting, is the promise of Viburnum blooms in the near future.
It is coming slowly, but at least we are trending in the right direction.