My grocery shopping game weakens every week now that we do so much of it online. My new groove is going to the supermarket near work at lunch to pick up supplies, which costs more than if I were to plan ahead better - but at least I have a few teammates who do the same thing, so it's like going out for lunch together but way more frugal!
Max (our big dopey dog) will need some teeth yanked. Eeeek.
I've been saving a bit of money here and there on commuting, getting a ride in with T sometimes in the morning (OTOH, this occasionally results in him ranting about particular issues which I have no interest in debating, least of all at 7am before work). If I were to get a scooter from somewhere like Skate Hut I could save even more...
After getting into a bit of a musical rut I downgraded to the free Spotify for a bit in favour of just listening to podcasts on the train, and then took up a 3-months-for-the-price-of-one deal for Premium. Particularly in summer, it's so worth it to me to have offline music access.
A little trip we were looking forward to won't be happening after all, but financially this saves big $$$!
I ordered a couple of small dog toys ages ago that went missing in the post (which probably wouldn't have happened with a service like TNT) but this is finally getting resolved!
For the first time ever, I now have a phone with a monthly contract that I'm paying for myself. Most of my jobs have provided a phone (usually an iPhone) but currently this isn't the case. There really wasn't a saving to be made by buying outright vs going on a plan, and so despite my hatred of commitment to these things I'm now four months into a two-year deal.
I'm loving watching my investments grow month on month now - while I didn't hit my stretch salary goal with this offer, the awesome benefits (particularly around retirement contributions) mean that the total package is definitely worth around that target.