When is Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday in 2019?

Posted on the 21 September 2019 by Anees @ZulfiqarAAnees

The best bargains of the year in consumer electronics start in November and will arrive before you know it. We tell you when the offers begin so that you are prepared for the famous Black Friday.

Every year, Black Friday brings the promise of great deals on televisions, phones, video games, and other perfect items to give during the Christmas season. As always, Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving, and this 2019 will be on November 29. Three days later, it will be Cyber ​​Monday. In recent years, however, Black Friday offers have expanded beyond that day to encompass discounts that emerge throughout the month of November.

Therefore, it is possible that merchants advertise or start offers long before Black Friday. In this festival of offers, you can expect great discounts at both the physical and digital stores of Best Buy, Walmart, Amazon, Target, GameStop, Kohl’s, Sam’s Club and other stores.

Yes, we know that it is too early to start thinking about this, but there is nothing wrong with advancing our planning. Here we tell you what to expect and how to plan to take advantage of the Black Friday 2019 offers.

When does Black Friday start?

Black Friday always falls on the day after Thanksgiving or Thanksgiving. This year, Black Friday is November 29.

When is Cyber ​​Monday 2019?

Cyber ​​Monday falls on Monday after Black Friday. This year, Cyber ​​Monday is December 2.

When do Black Friday offers start?

It varies from store to store, but you can expect to see many discounts that start long before Thanksgiving. In fact, some stores advertise their offers for Black November that are valid throughout the month of November.

Why is it called Black Friday?

The name Black Friday dated from the early 50s when retail stores started the Christmas season with great offers. The offers were so great that the annual results of the stores went “to black numbers” (in counter language, it means that they are no longer in red, that is, they are no longer losing money).

Consumers appeared in horde the day after Thanksgiving, since it was a day off and that made it the perfect day to buy. That was what happened in physical stores. And then came the Internet.

How to find ‘leaked’ Black Friday ads

In past years, a wide variety of Black Friday sites have been dedicated to revealing leaked newspaper ads in the days and weeks before Thanksgiving offers. Those sites are still doing theirs, but several large stores have already opted to “filter” offers ads on their own sites.

Last year, some of these stores shared these ads at the end of October.