The other day, Zac and I went into a retail store and were greeted by an associate. I soon recognized the associate as someone I used to go to church with years ago. Someone close to my age, who I …
Source: When he became a she – walking in love
Dear FOTM Readers
I reblogged this unusual article because it held forth a challenge I, as a follower of Jesus Christ, cannot ignore. I am not soft and squishy about morality, or the affects of immorality on our society, but there is something wonderful here.
There is a moment in one of the gospels where the pharisees became troubled that Jesus is eating with sinners. The meaning of “sinners” here is not your normal every day sinners, but champion sinners. Let your imagination run wild here. Today, this could be almost any kind of extremely immoral person we see in headlines.
Jesus’ response to the question was, “It is not the well who need a doctor,but the sick.”
It’s a difficult balance, but typical of the Lord’s challenges to us.
Almost everyone I know who made a decision to follow Jesus, did so after someone in their life loved them into the kingdom.
~ TD