When Do You Stop Using A Highchair?

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum


Kody our 2 year old no longer will go into his highchair and he wants to be a big boy and sit at the kitchen table. Much to my refusal he always wins. I much prefer he uses the high chair as I know one he is safe and two he creates a mess in an easy to wipe down tray.

When Do You Stop Using A Highchair?

I don’t think there is a certain age when your child has to stop using a high chair. I believe it is more down to each individual child. While some are more than happy to be strapped in, others detest this and would much rather sit elsewhere.

Some mothers have told me that they started to use booster seats, safe little seats that are secured to a normal chair so their child was able to join them at the kitchen table.

I do find that when the children sit at the table with the family they do eat more and of course are able to get more involved with the conversations. Meal times are a very important time as a family so I think it’s nice that the younger members can join in.

Ditching the highchair has been a battle, but I have to accept at the age of 2 Kody is no longer a baby and wants his independence and more chance to grow and follow his older siblings. He does have to sit on his knees as he can barely reach the table sitting and does not like the booster seat idea.

If you do not like the idea of them sitting at the table just yet, you can use a booster seat designed for little bottoms, you can purchase smaller children table and chair sets or do what we do some days and place a large fleece blanket on the floor for them to all sit on, trust me it catches all the mess.

When did you stop using a highchair and why?