A smiling baby lying in a soft cot (furniture). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Every mothers heart melts when they see that first smile, spread wide across their babies face. I always remember saying “ Oh look they are smiling”, when of course it was just wind. Seeing that first smile from your baby sure makes all those sleepless nights worthwhile.
When Do Babies Smile?
Most babies begin to smile when they are aged around six weeks, eight weeks for others. It is not known the right time and your baby may well smile before this.
Your baby loves to watch you and wants to show you they love you and will try to copy your facial expressions. Open your mouth wide and watch your baby try to mimic you. It is amazing to think babies do this as soon as they are born.
Before your baby was even born it was making facial expressions, they have already had months of practice.
Trying to teach your baby to smile is a hard task when they are tired or hungry so choose a time when they are calm and relaxed and pull a few funny faces. If anything you will amuse them or make them think “What are you doing you strange lady, are you sure your my mummy?”
Some experts state that a baby is born with the ability to smile, this is caused by natural reflexes designed to make the baby more appealing, so others will love it?
You do learn to tell the difference between wind and a real smile, as a real smile also makes your babies eyes twinkle too.
Can you remember how old your baby was when you got your first smile?