WhatsApp Trick: Reply to Individual Message in WhatsApp Group

Posted on the 12 June 2016 by Jyoti Arora @Jy0tiAr0ra

Here's a quick WhatsApp trick for the users of this hugely popular free calls and messages app. Thanks to an update in WhatsApp, you can now reply to an individual person even in a WhatsApp group.

How to respond to a selected message in a WhatsApp Group:

To do this, just long press on the group message you want to respond to. A menu will appear on the top bar of the WhatsApp window. You can find the Reply option on this menu. It is in the form of an Arrow going left. Just tap on it and type in your message. It will appear as a reply to the message you had long pressed on.

Save Favourite Messages in WhatsApp

Next to the Reply button, you can also notice a Star button. You can use it to Star a message to keep it safe. All the starred messages would collect in a list. You can view these messages by going to the Starred Messages from the main menu of the WhatsApp.

So now you can Reply to an individual message in a WhatsApp group and also save favoruite messages in an easily accessible list. If only WhatsApp would now add some way to restrict people from adding a person to group without asking!

If you know any other WhatsApp trick, let me know!

Android Apps, save messages in WhatsApp, WhatsApp, WhatsApp group, WhatsApp tips and tricks Useful Tools and Utilities