WhatsApp Has rolled out new security features for its users. These new features will help in making your account more safe and secure than before. These features include Account Protect, Device Verification and Automatic Security Codes etc. Let us tell you, the instant messaging app has recently started the ‘Stay Safe with WhatsApp’ campaign, in which it is giving information about security features and tools to the users. This campaign will continue for about 3 months. Let us know the details of the new features.
WhatsApp has given information about new security features through its new blog post. Account Protect, Device Verification and Automatic Security Codes features will provide users’ WhatsApp account with another security layer in terms of privacy and security.
Account Protect
The Account Protect feature prevents unauthorized logins to your WhatsApp account from one device to another. After this feature is on, if someone logs in to your WhatsApp account on another device, it asks for its approval from the old device before logging in. This will have the advantage that if someone tries to open your WhatsApp on their device, you will get an instant alert.
Device Verification
Malware is the biggest threat to mobile devices right now. Device Verification feature protects your device from malware. This prevents malware from sending messages to anyone using your device.
Automatic Security Codes
Under Automatic Security Codes, WhatsApp has introduced a new feature called “Key Transparency”. This feature allows users to automatically verify secure connections by clicking on the Encryption tab.