Whats Up Wednesday!

By Cait @caitscozycorner

Hello hello and good morning from an already busy Wednesday! I know it's probably early while you're reading this but my little family and I have been hitting the ground running since were only a few days away from Christmas!

Today I'm linking up with Shay for What's Up Wednesday and sharing my favorite memory as well as a few other fun things  from 2016! 

What We're Eating ...
Oh my gosh sweets galore. We made so many Christmas cookies the other day with friends I seriously don't know if I can keep them all in my house. Plus my office is bombarded with if not more sweets that I'm also not sure if I want to keep eating. Am I crazy?! ;) 
What I'm reminiscing about...The blessings I have right now with my toddler, my husband, this little baby growing so big in my stomach and family coming into town this weekend! It's weird now that we've moved to Atlanta and have been here for almost two years that our times with our family is more sparse but we always enjoy the time together when we see them!What I'm loving...My incredible friends and family. My sweet and hilarious co-workers. Friends I've reconnected with. And a sweet cats ha. What we've been up to...Zach and I have been super busy wrapping up Christmas gifts, getting into the holiday spirit by watching Christmas movies, sharing our love and joy with Lily and watching her discover and light up when she sees any type of tree lit up! I'm thinking she loves this holiday just as much as we do and she really doesn't even get that she'll be getting a few amazing gifts this year! We've also been cleaning and prepping for company! 
What I'm dreading...Putting all our Christmas items away. For the first time, Zach and I really took this Christmas by storm and enjoyed finally purchasing a few great gifts for our daughter because money has been so tight the last few years. Christmas just puts us in such a giving mood and I'm always sad to put all the ornaments, Christmas tree and special treasures away. What I'm working on...Getting Lily's sibling's room ready plus her big girl room! We're actually moving her to a new room and want it painted ( hey that's what  we're doing on New Years. Party animals ! ) so I'm picking out colors, new themes and can't wait to put it all together and show you soon! 
What I'm excited about...My grandmother is making the trip down to Atlanta on Christmas and I couldn't more excited to see her! I actually haven't seen her in over a year in a half because I haven't been able to get home so I can't wait for her to see our home and her great granddaughter! 
What I'm reading...Juniper: The Girl Who Was Born To Soon. Ummm I can't wait to share with you this incredible book. What I'm listening to...Pandora Christmas station of course. Can we just say that the Pop Christmas gives me all the feels because I love listening to N*Sync Christmas. Yes I know I'm 30 and still loving it. What I'm wearing... leggings are the norm for me, big oversized t-shirts and ugg boots. Comfortable is key in your second trimester friends. What we're doing this weekend...Attending a friends Christmas party, spending the holiday with my parents and grandmother and just soaking in all the great fun- laughter and reading!
What I'm looking forward to...Having our 21 week ultra sound tomorrow which is always a plus to make sure this little one is healthy, happy and growing properly. I'm always such a wreck sometime when this ultra sound comes because I'm just praying this little baby looks good. What else is new...We are in the slow process of possibly planning a baby moon somewhere near by. I'm just wanting a spa day with pampering, massages, mani pedis and reading. ;) 
My Favorite Memory of 2016! 
Gosh let me just tell you that it was pretty difficult to narrow down one personal favorite because so many amazing things happened this year.
I guess if I had to choose, it's a toss between celebrating my 30th birthday with the people I love the most and finding out a mere 4 weeks later that we were pregnant with our second!! I mean...it was so surreal that we were able to bring another little one into the world and couldn't be more excited to do so with so many amazing family and friends in our corner.
I'm sneaking in another favorite moment of a weekend with our best friends who were getting married ( our godson aka their little boy and Lily walked down the aisle together and it was probably the cutest thing I ever saw ) but then they were so sweet and threw us a mini gender reveal moment after we found out the sex of the baby. Oh wait, I still haven't told you all that right?! Not like you all really want to know anyways right?
Stay tuned for Friday!