What Your Shoes Say About You: Men's Edition

By Kels_chaz22 @kels_chaz22
So my best friend Callie and I used to work in men's clothing at Nordstrom back in our glory days in ATX. Well, I like to think that those days aren't over yet, but that's besides the point. Anyway, we came up with this fun little list of stereotypes surrounding men and their shoes. Disclaimer: This is all in good fun. Don't take it to heart if we diss your kicks :) 
Sperry Top-Siders
"I was or currently am in a frat aka my wardrobe looks like that of a 65-year-old retiree. I probably own way too much Ralph Lauren and Vineyard Vines for my own good and I think that seersucker and paisley match. The more pastel and neon the better, as long as I can wear it with my braided leather belt, Croakies and Patagonia fly-fishing shirt (assuming that girl from Date Dash the other night didn't take it home with her). My labrador/golden retriever, Ace, just learned how to fetch a beer from the fridge, Natty Light or Coors, of course, and my ringtone for my phone is none other than, 'Take Me Home Tonight'. There's just something about that song that gets me every time."
"I listen to what most consider to be, 'pretty good music'-nothing mainstream, of course. I like to roll up the sleeves of my button-downs and I definitely have a few band tees in the back of my closet. Hell, I may even be in a band, or at least I like to think I could be. I keep a pack of cigarettes in my car...just in case."
Air Jordans 
"I know at least 22 different ways to tie my laces, all of which are neon. I only work out at gyms with wall to wall mirrors and I have been known to take the occasional shirtless mirror selfie. I simply won't leave the house without my hair gel." 

"I like nature and all things organic or gluten-free. I have a habit of turning all my skinny jeans into cut off jorts in the summer time. I have feelings. I carry a backpack that holds my moleskin journal. I'm a Liberal Arts major. I wear glasses, or at least pretend to while I read my books and drink my french press coffee or loose leaf organic tea. In public. At trendy coffee shops. My Tinder profile says I'm a philanthropist, which in my mind, I am, because I bought these shoes. I HATE when people call me a hipster, even though it's probably true."
Combat Boots
"I probably own a motorcycle or at least wish I did. I definitely keep a journal which I carry in my cross-body satchel. I wear a lot of black. I think it gives me a mysterious vibe. Sometimes, when I go out, I throw on a little eye-liner for added effect. Johnny Depp is my fashion icon. I probably went through a heavy metal phase in my restless youth. OK, I'm still in that phase. Hot Topic was definitely my favorite store. Kurt Cobain was and forever will be my hero. My spirit animal is a werewolf." 

Chukka Boots
"I'm often complimented on my facial hair. I have a medium-sized dog who is my best friend. My standard dress consists of a super soft, solid-colored v-neck (NOT a deep V) sprinkled with the occasional plaid button or chambray shirt. I'll throw on a bow-tie or skinny tie if I'm feeling festive. I defy all odds of human nature and can successfully rock a short sleeve button-up. I like to stay active and do lots of outdoors-y things. I don't spend a lot of time on social media, that is, if I even have a social media account at all."
"Think Tony Hawk post-fame game. I graduated to these bad boys after a brief stint with Etnies. I'm middle-aged and am still holding tight to the glory days of skateboarding in abandoned pools while playing hooky from work. In my down time, when I'm not practicing my ollie (between ankle sprains and Charlie horses), I log quite a few hours on the Xbox. I've had less than three serious girlfriends in my life, one being Avril Lavigne." 

Cowboy Boots
"I'm a Texas boy tried and true. I say y'all and I think two-stepping is the best dance there is. I've probably owned a few pearl snaps in my time and plaid is my favorite color. Dress shoes to me are just exotic leather boots- I wear them with my suits all the time."
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