What You Should Know About Google SEO 2014

Posted on the 15 July 2022 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

According to a recent search engine report, a staggering 93% of online experiences actually begin with search engines. A clear indication of the need to place much emphasis on key areas that impact search engine optimization.

However, with the shape-shifting nature of the SEO industry and the consistent updates quite synonymous with search engine algorithms, it can get a bit tricky to understand what it takes to make it big in the online world. The following read provides information on Google SEO and the various categories that are important in your site.

1. Content

Your content strategy is probably one of the most important things to focus on this coming year. Sure, tweets, links, site speed and a load of other factors may have an effect on your rankings but at the end of the day, if your site does not produce original and consistent content, you might as well forget about gaining any traction.

In a nutshell, Google wants you to provide online users with relevant and original content further showing Google and other search engines that you are indeed a reliable source of info for your industry and the keywords that you rank for. Looking back, it was a normal practice to create content featuring long tail keywords specifically for driving rankings and not necessarily for providing value to readers. Those days are gone.

Today, it is possible to provide your visitors with the best of both worlds, that is, educate your target market by answering their key questions while including long tail keywords which are relevant to the areas that you cover. Lastly, keep in mind that quality content is a sure way for receiving love in social media and gaining multiple links to your site.

2. Backlinks

Although backlinks are a very important technique for driving rankings in search engines, it goes unsaid that the ways in which a site can look to earn more varied backlinks from other websites have drastically changed.

Quaint methods such as buying links, exchanging links and using link farms no longer work and are in fact flagged by Google and other websites. In their place, methods such as content marketing and guest blogging have been highly encouraged as the best means of building backlinks.

On the same line, visual content, often referred to as link bait, has also gained much popularity given that it tends to reasonate more with visitors. Lastly, this list of link building strategies wouldn't be complete without the mention of social media. Heavily weighted by search engines as a gauge for authenticity, value and quality, social media has become a key factor in link building.

3. Technical

Technical aspects of your site refer to the factors that ensure your website runs smoothly. Such factors include the duration in which you have run your domain not forgetting the presence of keywords that are related to your business in your site's URL. Although these factors may be set in stone for some businesses, they are quite important to consider when starting a new site in the future.

The countless innovations in social media not to mention the constant change in the manner of ways the web comprises information makes Google SEO a seemingly hard nut to crack. Hopefully the above read comes in handy in all you need to know about Google SEO.

Author Bio: This post is written by Larry Smith, the Director of Internet Marketing at Neueseo, who is an expert in Web Development, Online Advertising and SEO and a specialist in the management of Google AdWords Advertising Campaigns.

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