What You're Not Aware of Can Destroy You Forever

By Albert Wagner @albertwagner4
"Life is a series of lessons that must be lived to be understood." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
This famous quote has been attributed to others, but is it packed with meaning.
It is packed with meaning because it helps open the doors to emphasizing why the Meaning Of Life (the subject of these posts) is worth our time to look at.  The subject sounds redundant to some people.  They say things like,
"The meaning of life is just to be happy."  
However, this quote demonstrates there is more (much more) to life than what you experience firsthand daily. 
The Human Tendency
There is a prevailing attitude in today's culture that says "If it feels good, do it."  At a younger age this sounds appealing.  However, as you reach middle age and beyond you being to realize there are consequences to your actions.  What "feels" good at one time could cause you pain down the road.
If people are honest they would admit there were things they were told repeatedly, but chose not to listen to.  It is debatable spiritually, but some think Adam's transgression in the Garden Of Eden was inherited by subsequent generations.  Predisposition does not eliminate free will.
Whether or not we are predisposed to putting things before God humans tend to gravitate to doing the wrong thing.  At a younger age peer pressure could probably account for some of this response.  If a sign reads "Don't touch the glass" then what do people do?  Some touch the glass. 
As we grow older we might be more aware of the consequences of our actions, but we still tend to gravitate to doing the wrong thing. 
With Christianity Comes Answers
This is where Christianity comes in. With the help of Jesus we have the potential to do the right thing. 
This is where the post refers back to the beginning.  The lessons of life are not learned just by being told something, but by LIVING it.
A frequent question asked is how God allows so much evil to exist in the world.  They assert God would stop the suffering if he knew it was coming and if he really loved his creation.
But, wait.
Will humans really learn what is best for them without it being "burned" into their minds? You can see humans make the same mistakes repeatedly just by looking at daily life.  In the Bible fire symbolizes a refining process for those who follow Christ.  This refers to being refined in a good way.
God allows suffering to make a better end product, which is humans in the afterlife.   - quote from the author
The author thinks this "burning" into humans is partially what helps bring meaning to life.  Hopefully the soul gets refined to the extent it should, which only God can judge.
Humans can go against what God wants in the short term, but his will wins in the end.
In the author's opinion The Meaning Of Life has to do with learning things on the physical plane to prepare to spend eternity with our Creator.  What there is to learn, of course, varies between people. 
What we know is that there is a reason for it, even if we do not understand it.
Learning lessons on earth ("burning" into the mind) helps partially explain both how God can allow evil in the world and how meaning can be brought to life.

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