What You Need to Know Before AC Installation in Brandon, FL

By Kravelv

Last Updated on April 17, 2023 by Kravelv

Before having an air conditioning system installed in your home, it's important to know what is involved and what you need to consider. This article will give you the information you need before deciding on air conditioner installation. We'll discuss the most important factors including size, efficiency, cost, and features to consider when selecting a new AC system for your home.

Size: The size of your AC unit needs to match the size of the room/building it will be cooling. A larger unit will not cool a small space any faster and may actually cause higher energy bills due to overworking itself. An undersized unit won't effectively cool the space either. Be sure to get accurate measurements of your area so that you can select the proper size system.

Efficiency: The efficiency of the unit is another important factor to consider when planning for AC installation Brandon, FL home. You'll want a high-efficiency unit that will save you money in energy bills and help keep your home cool without driving up your utility bill. Look for units with higher SEER ratings which mean they are more efficient.

Cost: Cost is always an important factor when it comes to making a purchase, and AC systems are no different. While you don't want to sacrifice quality or efficiency by choosing the cheapest option, there are many options available at different price points so that you can find one that fits within your budget. Also, if you want to know about the cost of future AC repair in Brandon, FL, ask your installer in advance.

Features: Different AC units come with different features that may be beneficial for you to consider. Some of the most popular options are adjustable fan speeds, humidity control, and programmable thermostats. Depending on your needs, these features can make a big difference in how well your system operates once it's installed.

By considering all of these factors before having an AC unit installed in Brandon, FL, you're sure to find the perfect one for your home. Take some time to research and compare different models so that you can make an informed decision about your air conditioning system installation. You won't regret doing your due diligence and being prepared before making such a significant investment into the comfort of your home.

Signs You Should Plan For New AC Installation In Brandon, FL!

1. Your AC Unit Is More Than 10 Years Old: If your air conditioning system is more than 10 years old, it may be time to plan for a replacement. Older units are less efficient and can result in higher energy bills and more repairs over the years.

2. You're Hearing Strange Noises From Your AC Unit: Unusual noises coming from an AC unit can indicate there is something wrong with it and should be looked at by a professional. This could be a sign that you need to consider getting a new unit before any major damage occurs.

3. Your Energy Bills Are Increasing Rapidly: A sudden increase in energy bills without explanation could mean that your AC unit is not running as efficiently as it should. If you notice a large spike in your bills, it's worth having an AC contractor take a look to see if any repairs or replacements are needed.

4. Your Home Is Not Cooling Evenly: If certain areas of your home are not as cool as others, this could mean that your air conditioner is no longer working properly and needs attention from an HVAC specialist.

5. You Notice A Increase In Dust And Allergens Inside Your Home: Poor air quality is often caused by an inefficient AC unit that isn't able to filter out dirt and allergens properly, so if you start noticing more dust around the house, it may be time for new AC installation in Brandon, FL.

Final words

Be mindful of these signs that may indicate it's time for a new AC unit in your Brandon, FL home. Doing so will help you save money on energy bills and ensure that your family is comfortable during the hot Florida summers. Contact Slapshots Air at (813) 955-7575 to learn more or book an appointment!