What You Need to Know About Building a Green Home

Posted on the 25 August 2021 by Web Solution Winners @websolutionwinn

Environmentally friendly homes are on the rise. More and more Americans are becoming conscious about the environment, and given the circumstances, it makes sense. If you’re planning to build an environmentally-friendly home or a green home for short, you’ve come to the right place. Learn about the principles of a green home and why you should do it in the first place.

Climate Change is Getting Worse

Climate change is getting worse despite the decrease of carbon emissions due to quarantine protocols last year. Scientists estimate that we only have a couple of years before the damages of climate change become irreversible. The United Nations has stated that this battle against climate change is no longer a scientific or governmental problem, but rather it’s an individual one.

Many Americans are jumping into environmentally friendly trends in efforts to save the environment. One way Americans are doing this is by making their homes more environmentally friendly.

Smart Systems

The coal industry has the largest carbon footprint worldwide. It’s estimated that about half of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere come from this particular industry. So one way to reduce it is by lessening our energy consumption in our homes.

You might think it’s counter-intuitive to use technology to make our homes environmentally friendly, but some comfort devices such as smart devices actually make a difference in reducing your home’s energy costs, which in turn makes your home more environmentally friendly.

It’s good to install smart systems such as HVAC temperature regulators and a general smart home energy management system to ensure that you’re using your home’s electricity at the most optimal levels. This will ensure that no energy goes to waste and any unneeded appliances are turned off so that you’re not wasting energy over time.

Invest in Energy Efficient Light bulbs

Lighting is one of the leading reasons for high energy consumption in many homes. This is because many homes aren’t using energy-efficient light bulbs.

Energy-efficient light bulbs (such as CFLs and LEDs) not only save the environment, but they save you money as well. They are also sturdier than other light bulbs found in the market and emit more light. When installed alongside a smart home energy management system, you can reduce your energy costs by 30%. This means cheaper electricity bills for your house and less carbon footprint emitted into the environment.

Invest on Plants

Plants are the ones saving us from making climate change a lot worse. So it should be in your best interest to get into gardening. If not, consider having indoor plants.

There are a lot of options when it comes to indoor plants. Some people go with the classic Snake Plant and Rubber Trees. They grow as big as a human being, but given enough trims, they should stay the same size as you want them to be. Another good option is preserved flat moss for the wall. If you have a sizeable wall in your home and want to be covered by foliage, this choice is for you. It can help filter the air in your home, and it doesn’t require that much care and attention.

Indoor plants will give your home that green look. It’s also good for regulating the temperature inside your home, making it a good choice for homes that tend to be too cold or too hot.

Use Water-based Paint

The kind of paint we use to color our homes can have detrimental effects on the environment. Some paint being sold in hardware stores isn’t eco-friendly because of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) found in the paint ingredient. These can evaporate when under the sun’s direct heat and turn into nitrogen oxide, a substance harmful to the environment.

The alternative to traditional paint is a water-based paint. Water-based paint does not contain VOCs, making them eco-friendly. So you don’t have to worry about the detrimental effects it has on the environment.

Install Solar Panels

Solar energy is becoming cheaper by the minute, and if you want to reduce your carbon footprint completely, you can utilize solar panels for your daily energy needs.

Solar energy is one of the cleanest forms of energy out there. It’s also becoming even more efficient as more and more scientists improve on the models of solar panels. Solar shingles are also a good choice if you want to have a more aesthetic look at your home. This is one way you can completely convert your home into a green home.

Going green is a win-win situation: you save money while saving the environment. This is the best choice for you if you want to reduce your utility bills by half or if you’re generally conscious about the environment. But make your decision now, or it might be too late.

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