What You Can Expect from a Brazilian Laser Hair Removal

By Attireclub @attireclub

Before we start, let's crunch some numbers. According to BioNumbers, we as humans have between ninety thousand and one hundred and fifty thousand hair follicles on our head alone. It's estimated that the average human has over 5 million hair follicles on their whole body. As society evolves, a war has started between humans and hair, and evidently this war has started way before you thought. First of all, the hair you have on your body was very important in the past, before we didn't have clothes to protect our skin from the sun and friction, inevitably this led to humans needing hair all over our body.

Before we get into the main aim of this article, which is what you should expect from Brazilian laser removal treatment, let's quickly look at the history of hair removal and treatments as a whole. The first form of hair removal was tweezers made of shells, then later India was the first country to have razors we know today, they were made from copper. The Ancient Egyptians had a belief that any kind of pubic hair was vulgar; this obsession led to them removing their hair on their head altogether. The first laser hair removal technology was developed in 1960, it used the same science we knew today, but it was massively time consuming and this was proven to be an ineffective technique for removing hair, plus it could only be used on people with fair skin. Ten years after this invention, people moved over to alexandrite lasers, they were much safer than the first lasers, but yet again to ensure permanent results you had to go for treatments over multiple years, which ended up being way too time-consuming. The first pulsed laser entered the market in 1983, this would be seen as the game-changer for hair removal treatments as a whole. This laser could be changed in a matter of minutes, and the energy could be used just for hair follicles.

After that piece of history let's look at some aspects of Brazilian laser removal you can expect!

Some handy advice, before going for your appointment, be sure to communicate with your hair removal professional. The reason for this is that you will be expected to drink enough water, maybe shave a day before you go for the appointment, and you will also be expected to share your supplements intake and the medicine you use, i.e. vitamins, chronic medicine etc. Secondly, and most people don't realize this, is that this treatment will not eliminate all the body hair in one session. It takes time to eliminate the hair, because the reason why this treatment is so successful is it eliminates the whole hair growth cycle. Don't forget to book your session in advance, and don't wait too long between lessons, because the growth cycle should be stopped at the right time. Thirdly, you can and will feel some discomfort, the laser uses quick pulses to eliminate the hair, this causes a sharp feeling on your skin, don't be alarmed you can always pause if you want to take a break, most professionals will prescribe you some numbing cream, you can also expect some irritation on your skin, but it usually goes away in a day or two. Lastly, you shouldn't expect too much, the reason is different skin pigments, different hair colors all of these factors can affect the overall result, the other factors are of course the type of lasers that are used as well as the speed or pulse that the laser is emitted.

This type of treatment offers you a massive opportunity to remove all the unwanted hair from your body. These treatments have massive upsides with very little downsides. Be sure to choose a reputable clinic or center to perform these treatments. If you want to book a session today, the guys at Ethos Spa offers a great laser hair removal experience, whilst being very reputable, they actually specialize in Brazilian laser removal treatment.

This treatment is one of the safest methods to get rid of unwanted body hair. This procedure is straight forward and has a good success rate. It may have some side effects, so make sure to consult with the person performing the procedure ahead of time.

All in all, a Brazilian laser hair removal procedure can be right for you, regardless of whether you are a man or a woman and have an area where you wish to get really smooth.

Fraquoh and Franchomme

Further reading:

45 Facts about Hair

P.S. We want to hear from you! Have you ever gotten a Brazilian laser hair removal procedure? Where did you do it? How did it go? Share your feedback, questions or thoughts in the comments below! For more articles on style, fashion tips and cultural insights, you can subscribe to Attire Club via e-mail or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!