What Would Your Life Be Like Somewhere Else?

By Healthytravelblog @healthytravel1

Have you ever wondered “What would my life be like if I grew up somewhere else?” Many have pondered this thought, particularly those who travel and are plugged in to the idea that lifestyles around the globe can be very different. Now, one person has taken that concept further and crafted something pretty cool.

Jason Horsley, an avid traveler, was in the midst of researching what his life would be like in different countries when he created MyLifeElsewhere.com.

“I came up with the idea to use public domain information to provide unique, fun statistics that compare the country I live in with others around the world,” he said.

MyLifeElswhere works by comparing statistical data from the CIA Factbook, among many other public domain data sources.

“I’d come across this resource before, but at the time I wasn’t aware that the information they provide is in the public domain. After I got the idea for MyLifeElsewhere, I realized that it would be the perfect resource for the basis of the website,” Horsley said.

On his website, Horsley displays that information in a fun, thought-provoking way. But what is the significance of this information?

“I think that finding out what your life would be like had you been born somewhere else is a powerful concept. If you had grown up elsewhere, would you have access to the same resources? Would you live the same way?” he asked, adding that MyLifeElsewhere’s goal is to help answer those types of questions.

He built MyLifeElsewhere over the course of several weeks, and is constantly adding more features and content to it every day, including another important portion of the site: worldwide etiquette.

At first, the site was limited to providing users with comparison statistics between countries around the world.

“While interesting and fun, I realized that I could expand the site in other ways,” he said. Research ensued, which led to his decision to include a page summarizing the rules of etiquette across the globe.

“No matter where you are in the world, every country has its own customs and traditions, so I thought providing this information would be inherently valuable to world travelers,” Horsley said. Some of those etiquette customs include typical table manners; appropriate greetings; how and whether you should tip; and common do’s and don’ts in the selected country.

Sometimes etiquette can be simple, but if you haven’t traveled to a particular country before, it can be complicated. MyLifeElsewhere serves as an etiquette guide to help travelers know right from wrong in any country.

Photo from pattravelstheworld.com.